Glass Shard Workshop

I learned to work with foreign/found/recycled objects and glass shards on Magazine Street in New Orleans. Using stencils to help design pictures in various sizes from 3 x 3 to 12 x 14 on mat painting boards or wood or molds, one places pieces of broken glass to make a picture. Later it is sealed with resin. Unique pieces! No drawing!


Left to Right:  This Flower is made on a wooden board (6 x 12) with a long, thick necklace coming out of a light switch cover and turned over ½ way to reveal its gold backing. The buds are bottle caps with a gold bead on top. Glass pieces make the leaves and flower.

The Dragon Fly (8 x 11) is made on a mat board with various pieces of glass shards.

The Seahorse (12 x 14 mat board) has rocks and shells at the base, as well as various shards.